Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hoffman (1970)

Hoffman is a 1970 British film directed by Alvin Rakoff and starring Peter Sellers, Sinéad Cusack, Jennifer Ruth Dunning and Jeremy Bulloch.
Hoffman is the tale of an older man, played by Peter Sellers, who invites a young lady to his flat in England for a sexual liaison. As the film progresses, it is revealed that Sellers' character caught one of his workers dealing in a scam, and decided to blackmail the man's lovely fiancée away for a weekend to convince her to fall in love with him. Mostly a drama, the film has an almost terrifying performance by Sellers, involved in intricate mind games with the other protagonists.
Reportedly, Sellers despised Hoffman because the lead character too closely reflected his own personality.
Notable for the haunting music by Ron Grainer, and as one of Sellers' few 'straight' performances.

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