Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Cleverness of Crows

As researchers explore the nature of the intelligence of animals, the corvid family presents some arresting examples of brainy birds. 

The most common corvids are crows, ravens, and jays; other relatives are the rooks, magpies, choughs, nutcrackers, and jackdaws. The familiar corvids are large, noisy, and social, and they are not shy in the presence of people. They play pranks, tease other animals, and engage in aerial acrobatics for fun. Crows live happily in human settlements and have found many ways to exploit the curious human trait of discarding food. The strong social structure of corvids has been widely studied, as have their complex vocalizations and cooperative actions. Pioneering animal behaviorist Konrad Lorenz studied jackdaws in his native Austria; his King Solomon’s Ring reports his interactions with them and observations for their behavior. 

Corvids are known to mimic human voices and other sounds and to enjoy the confusion that results. Zookeeper Gerald Durrell recounted the antics of his pet magpies, who learned to imitate the Durrell’s maid’s call to the chickens to come and be fed. When the magpies got bored, they called the chickens, who came running in anticipation of a treat. When the disappointed chickens went back to roost, the magpies called them again, and again, and the chickens, no match for the clever magpies, fell for the ruse every time. In the 19th century crows and ravens were considered to be the cleverest of birds — inquisitive, playful, and able mimics — and though today parrots are giving them a run for the money, there are some areas in which crows truly shine. Zoologists and behaviorial researchers have documented numerous examples of the crow’s sharp mind, adding to the vast body of anecdote and folklore surrounding these birds.

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